
Hollywood Curly Hair: Is It Accurately Portrayed?

Representation matters - particularly in media outlets. Hollywood as the center of Western media has a  substantial influence on today's beauty standards, in terms what is considered desirable, acceptable and recognition worthy

We find this topic very interesting to analyse as it’s very difficult to determine whether we have made progress in terms of curly hair representation or regressed, subject to what is considered the starting point in terms of timeline.

Curl Therapy: Natural Solutions for Diagnosing and Treating Your Hair Concerns

Therapy, we all need it at some point in our lives and this can take place in many forms but today we discuss a specific kind - Curl Therapy.

Our curls go through so much wear and tear, fighting against environmental aggressors as well as the effects of our day to day lifestyles. We will specifically hone in on curl therapy and healing specifically for damaged curls - derived from exposure to harsh chemicals, heat, hormonal or stress related factors.

Middle Eastern Man with Curly Hair

We are of the belief that men in the gulf should embrace their natural curls, however western standards may suggest otherwise. Let's explore this further.

The beauty standards for men and equally women have increased with the popularity of social media and mega influencers. The beauty standards are now centred around a man’s physique and ruggedness through a traditional lens of perfect straight brown or blonde locks, particularly in the western part of the world.

Exploring CGM Products in the UAE: Historical Insights, Market and Future Trends

Curly hair products only so many years ago didn’t appear to exist in the Middle East. Upon moving to Dubai, UAE in 2019, there were limited product ranges available - the primary curly hair brands that were easily accessible were Auntie Jackie’s, Cantu and Shea Moisture. This was one of the key reasons Emerson was birthed - to provide accessibility and affordability to the best of curly hair products from around the globe.